an ocean is essential to the place I call home. as a child growing up in the central valley I felt imprisoned by the vast stretches of dry flat land. I craved water. and no lake or river or pretty little creek could satisfy me. I craved enormous, colossal, unending amounts of water that would humble me and make me feel miniscule in the scale of nature. I think it was then that I settled for rain. I fantasized that the ocean were paying the oceanless a personal visit. even now I can never get enough rainy days. and I don't own an umbrella. I consider such a protection device a rude gesture - a rejection of nature's gift. I live ten minutes away from where these photos were taken and yet I infrequently make the trip to the beloved sea. all my life I have felt an urgency to visit the ocean feeling as though I am missing opportunity upon opportunity. but then I am reminded....

the ocean will not wait, nor will she go away.