a few nights ago I was reading an 18th century historical novel in which the protagonist was having a hard day and all she could think about was getting home to make squirrel stew with spring onions. immediately I shared her craving and wondered why o' why has squirrel meat gone out of fashion. with still a strong squirrel craving the following morning, I went grocery shopping and found glorious organic spring onions. I went home to concoct a squirrel stew (sadly, minus the squirrel) and was stunned when I cut into the onions - heLLO, super scary flourescent chartreuse kissing lips. I simultaneously wondered if spring onions looked like this in the 1700's and whether or not Andy Warhol cooked much with this particular bulb. it was a magical moment. I am now a stronger believer in eating locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables..... but I wonder how long I will have to wait for my local grocer to carry squirrel meat.